Single Sign-on

Use the Single Sign-On extension to secure pre-configured checkout links and CO2 calculator pages

We currently offer OAuth 2. OAuth 2 is an industry standard in the single sign-on area. Our implementation is very flexible and accepts a wide range of configurations.


Activate the extension

Go to the Auth page in the dashboard, where you can activate the extension with just two clicks.

Add a new connection

Now configure your OAuth 2 connection. Use the example image on our page as a guide. Depending on how the OAuth 2 integration is designed on your site, different parameters may be required.

Scope configuration (optional)

To secure your connection, we recommend defining specific scopes, such as allow:calculations, to grant targeted access to our services. Alternatively, you can fill the field generically with values such as email to allow access to all users. To add multiple scopes, simply separate them with spaces. Important: Please activate RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) in your OAuth configuration to check the authorizations for scopes at login.

Allow our domain (optional)

Add to the Allowed Web Origins and to the Allowed Callback URLs to complete the integration.

Activate offline access (optional)

Activate offline access in your OAuth integration to avoid having to log in again if the access token expires. Depending on the tool, this may require special steps, such as adding the offline_access scope.

Use the single sign-on

Once you have configured the OAuth 2 connection, you can use it for authentication with other extensions. Simply select your new connection in the drop-down menu under “Authentication”. Then test the connection with the other available extensions.

No credit card required - Create an account now

Create an account and start calculating and offsetting the CO2 emissions directly via our API. Do you still have questions or need a customized offer? Use the chat or make an appointment directly with our sales team.